Good Friday Novena

Knights of Columbus and their families are encouraged to join in praying the Divine Mercy Novena beginning today, Good Friday. Join brother Knights and the faithful worldwide in praying this novena and invoking God’s mercy in this time of global pandemic. Download the prayers here and join the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, St. Faustina’s religious order, online to pray the novena at 3 p.m. EDT daily on YouTube and Facebook from the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. The live daily broadcasts will also available on demand after the initial broadcast at 3 p.m.

Finally, please mark your family calendars for April 19, starting at 3 p.m., to tune in and participate in a special Divine Mercy Sunday Mass offered by Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori at the Baltimore Basilica, where Father Michael McGivney was ordained a priest. The broadcast will also include the praying of the Divine Mercy chaplet following Mass. 

Food Drive 4/10

“Worthy Brother Knights, 

Holy Ghost Catholic Church if you are not aware is one of the largest homeless outreach programs in the diocese and  also provides persons with financial difficulties with assistance programs  and food vouchers in downtown Denver. 

Now with the onset of the Covid-19 outbreak donations to assist the homeless; mainly the daily lunch service is suffering from little to no support. That means 200 – 500 homeless Men, Women and Families are not served a meal that day. Titus Conwell works with Holy Ghost and he wanted to contact the Knights of Columbus Council’s to start a “Soup Can Drive” to support the lunch ministry at Holy Ghost until normal donations from the supporting parishes can start up again… The supporting parishes sandwich ministries are all suspended, so no food is coming into the pantry at Holy Ghost.

St Mark Knights of Columbus Council #13131 will be doing a SOUP CAN DRIVE this Good Friday April 10th at St Mark’s. A can will be place outside of the Church close to the Food Bank and by the Entrance there, drop off time’s from 9 AM till 5 PM… Please help bring and drop off CANNED SOUPS to help the street homeless!!!”

– Brother Knight Jo-Jo