Path to being a Knight
Joining & First Degree Knighthood
In order to join, you will need to sign up online and pay for your membership. This step is called the "Exemplification" and it's corresponding pillar that you learn is Charity. You will have a installment ceremony with your local council. Please email us at if you sign up online.
Second Degree Knighthood
Members are required to attend a installation ceremony which teaches them more about our organization. This step is called "Admission" and its corresponding pillar is Unity. Afterwards, Knights are able to continue onto Third Degree as soon as the installation ceremony for it is available.
Third Degree Knighthood
In order to become a Third Degree Knight, members must attend a short installation ceremony. This step is called the "Formation" and the degree's corresponding pillar is Fraternity.
Fourth Degree Knighthood
The final step in Knighthood and most prestigious. This involves a final installation ceremony and puts a capstone on members' knowledge of our fraternity. The ceremony concludes with an official knighting of members into the Fourth Degree. This step is called "Knighthood" and its corresponding pillar is Patriotism.