What We Do

Our Meetings

As a council, we meet the first Wednesday of every month. Our meetings start with a voluntary rosary at 7:00 P.M. and are followed by our regular meetings. This is when we’re able to bring our individual passions and voices to our council to plan events, discuss projects, and manage our current resources. These meetings are led by our council’s leadership team in a Robert’s Rules of Order method.

Regular Events

There are several events that we put on regularly during the year. These events include Lenten Fish Fry, Parish Family Night, Rosaries and Novenas, Keep Christ in Christmas, and the Tootsie Roll Drive to name a few. Visit our page to learn and see more.

National Focus Areas


Donating time and resources to charities, both locally and nationally


World-class insurance services for our members and their families


Faith based investing in accordance to the USCCB guidelines


Continuing the mission of helping disadvantaged young people succeed


National campaigns focusing on Faith, Charity, Life, and Community

Countless lives changed through Special Olympics volunteering. Honoring Kendrick Castillo from Highlands Ranch. New partnerships created with Veteran and Elderly communities. Successful support of March for Life in Denver. And new records set with charitable contributions and volunteering.

Denver March for Life | Special Olympics Colorado | Rocky Mountain Veterans Affairs | Free Throw Championship | Christian Refugee Relief | Lenten Fish Fry | Saint Mark Parish Family Night | Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive | Keep Christ in Christmas | Rosaries and Novenas


We are continuously working to enhance how we give back to our community. This includes exploring new ways of serving, expanding our monetary contributions, and providing other resources to charitable organizations. As a council, we always encourage our members to give voice to their passions and to seek avenues of partnership for events with the parish and local civically virtuous events.